
I’m an engineer. Sadly I’m not the sort of engineer I really ever wanted to be. It all started promisingly enough with a decent degree from a good university and a planned career as an army officer. With a bit of time to kill in between graduating and joining up, I decided to try my hand at snowboarding…

After attempting to share the same time and space as a French mountain I was left part metal and the army was off the table. I decided to fall back on my engineering and applied for a raft of exciting jobs. With a degree, no work experience, and a recession looming I ended up getting a job with a digital TV set top box maker as a software tester, which was not quite what I was aiming for but it was at least a job!

I’ve moved from company to company since, remaining in digital TV, but never exactly feeling fulfilled. I left London looking for a better quality of life and shipped off to the Netherlands. Leaving the UK was a great move, but working in TV remains a sticking point. When you spend all day wishing you were doing something greater than assisting in the pumping of mindless reality or car-crash TV into peoples’ homes you tend to get a bit frustrated. This blog is born of frustration and a desire to escape.

It will hopefully chart my successes and failures as I get away from day to day work and dream of building spaceships.

All I want to do is build spaceships.

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